my diesel slovenian railways model class 664 handmade .....

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my diesel slovenian railways model class 664 handmade .....

Messagepar loko1
26 Mai 2012, 15:47

here is the model ho from my collection handmade class called anche''reagan sz 664. "The diesel locomotive SZ 664-1 and type Co'Co 'GM built (U.S.) in the' year 1984 is used a lot on popular linea''bohinska proga'' . 'thanks to my friend Milos-

the video of my model :cool:
my hompage with new links and models... :debout:
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Re: my diesel slovenian railways model class 664 handmade .

Messagepar domi
26 Mai 2012, 19:08

Nice model, congratulations :applause: ! And on on the prototype's picture, I'm puzzled with the side oriented horns... Never seen that before anywhere. :roll:

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